These general conditions of sale govern the contractual relationship arising between the parties following the acceptance by IDColor of the customer's proposal / purchase order and replace the versions contained in previous agreements reached between the parties, except as may be agreed upon. in writing and with express reference to these general conditions of sale, derogating from the content, on IDColor headed paper duly signed by a legal representative of the same. These general conditions of sale are updated to 01/01/2023. However, IDColor reserves the right to modify, from time to time, at its sole discretion, its own general conditions of sale. The most updated version of the same will in any case be published on the website These general conditions of sale do not apply to exports of products outside the Italian territory for which different contractual conditions are envisaged. Moreover, in the event that the products supplied to the customer in Italy are subsequently exported by them, it will be the customer's responsibility to obtain, at his own expense, all the necessary licenses and authorizations, also complying with the rules relating to exports between Italy and the country of destination, with particular reference to the regulations for the export of high-tech products.
The prices mentioned are excluding VAT, which will be applied at the rate in effect on the invoice date. The prices indicated on the website may undergo variations due to the cost of raw materials or the time of year. If the price of the ordered product, as resulting from the IDColor price list in force at the time of receipt of the order, is different from that indicated by the customer in the order form, IDColor will promptly contact the customer who will the right to confirm the order or not. Where the prices are not expressly indicated or in the case of supplies relating to products not found on the website, the prices must be specifically agreed and confirmed in writing by IDColor before the product is shipped. In case of administrative needs it is possible to request a proforma invoice or an order confirmation before making the payment.
Purchase orders can be placed by customers according to the methods indicated on the website, exclusively by holders of an Italian VAT number or an Italian tax code for non-physical persons, or by customers with a European VAT number under the VIES (VAT Information Exchange System). For other invoicing methods, please contact the sales office at . The data necessary to complete the purchase are requested during the user registration or during the check-out phase as a guest. The order will be considered as a contractual proposal, since the display of the products on the virtual showcase of the site have only an informative function and, therefore, an invitation to offer. Unless otherwise indicated regarding orders transmitted online, the acceptance of IDColor may also take place through the direct execution of orders via email communicated by the customer,
The shipping and order management costs are at a fixed price and shown in the Shipping section at the bottom of the cart and reiterated during check out, unless otherwise specifically requested by the customer and agreed with IDColor. However, it is understood that the delivery terms must be understood as non-essential. The communication of the amount will be displayed at the end of each order and may vary according to the weight and any additional conditions required from time to time. If IDColor expects not to be able to comply with the delivery terms indicated above, without any responsibility towards the customer, it will communicate the new conditions of delivery of the product to the same, who must confirm the order as modified within 3 (three) days from the communication of IDColor. Unless otherwise agreed, delivery will be made to the address that the customer has specified in the order; however, IDColor has the right to accept this request.
The customer is required to examine the goods received accurately at the time of delivery and to communicate in detail to IDColor, within 8 (eight) days of delivery, any defects found - or detectable - at the outcome of this examination, or to propose any other complaint in relation to the products. In the event that the customer does not make the above communication, the products will be considered definitively accepted and compliant with what is requested in the order, without prejudice to the possibility, which can be exercised within and no later than 1 (one) year from delivery, to assert any non-apparent defects, provided that the related report was made within 8 (eight) days of their discovery (in compliance with the provisions of article 1495 of the civil code). It is understood that the customer will have to refuse delivery, by the carrier, of packages with damaged packaging and must, in this regard, immediately inform IDColor of the incident; otherwise, the goods delivered will be considered accepted in their entirety in the state in which they are found at that moment.
The ownership of the goods passes to the customer when the goods are delivered by the carrier or by another person in charge at the customer's home or at the address indicated by the customer at the time of the order. The goods travel at the risk and peril of the customer even when it is delivered free at destination, it being agreed that each shipment is carried out for the specific assignment and account of the customer and that, therefore, is exempt from any liability with the delivery of the same to the carrier or to the customer if the latter decides to collect the goods personally or through his own representative. In case of non-payment, will have the right to avail itself, at its sole discretion, of the express termination clause referred to in the following section "Payments and Express Termination Clause" or any other remedy provided by law, including compulsory execution or the repurchase of possession pursuant to article 1519 of the civil code. If it is necessary to allow to exercise and protect its rights, the customer will allow, its employees and agents, to access its premises, for the sole purpose of collecting unpaid products. However, it is understood that will in any case have the right to request full compensation for any damage suffered as a result of the customer's default. will replace or repair the products supplied, or refund the relative price, if, despite a correct and diligent use by the customer, defects are found, which must be asserted against no later than 12 (twelve) months from the delivery date, or within that different term from time to time indicated by for specific products or established by law. The products, or the parts of them to which the dispute refers, must be returned to within the period referred to in the preceding paragraph, properly packaged, shipped by the customer and in accordance with the special instructions that IDColor. it has possibly given at the time of supply or subsequently. The returned products or parts of them must be accompanied by a note stating the description of the defect, as well as any other information indicated or requested by at the time of supply or subsequently. All products or parts of them replaced by will become the exclusive property of the same. This warranty replaces any warranty or other provision established by law regarding the quality or suitability of the products for specific uses,
Unless otherwise indicated, the "technical parameters" represent the limits within which the customer can use the product, with reference to its safety. Dimensions and other physical characteristics are subject to normal commercial tolerances. It will be the customer's responsibility to check, in advance, the suitability of the product for the use he wishes to make of it. In any case, reserves the right to cease offering any product, or to make changes to product specifications, at any time, even without notice and without having to justify this decision. recommends customers to check the dimensions and other data relating to the products published in the virtual showcase of the site, as well as their future availability, before using them for particularly important uses. If the customer intends to supply the purchased products to third parties, he himself will make sure that the products are complete with all the accessory elements such as warnings, labels, instructions, manuals and other useful information, supplied with the products themselves.
These general conditions outline the entire area of responsibility of regarding the products, with the exclusion of any other guarantee, condition and term, expressed or implied, established by law, also with reference to the quality or suitability of the products for specific uses. , without prejudice to those guarantees which, by law, cannot be waived, with particular reference to the provisions of article 1229 of the civil code and in terms of liability for damage from defective products and consumer protection. It is also understood that, in no case will be responsible for the loss of profit or for any indirect damage suffered by the customer due to a fact, act or omission attributable to IDColor. products have not been tested for applications in the medical field or for joint use with medical-surgical devices of any kind and nature. Likewise, products have not been tested for application in the context of nuclear activities or in the aeronautical field. Therefore, products must not be used in these areas, with respect to which assumes no responsibility for malfunctions and / or damage to things or people.
Payments can be made in the following ways: a) by bank transfer; b) by credit card; c) cash on delivery (only for products in stock if agreed with the sales office); However, reserves the right to request payment in cash, within the limits permitted by the laws in force, or to propose additional and different payment methods. Any payment conditions other than those mentioned above must be agreed in writing with IDColor. it, before placing the order. All payments will be made in favor of, without the customer being able to make any compensation, deduction or counter-claim. In the event of non-payment of the price due by the customer, the sales contract will certainly be considered terminated by law pursuant to and for the purposes of article 1456 of the civil code. If payments are not made within the agreed time, reserves the right, however, to apply an interest on arrears equal to the interest rate. interest referred to in Article 5, Legislative Decree no. 231 of 9 October 2002 in force, without prejudice to the right of to request compensation for any further damage, as well as the reimbursement of any costs or expenses incurred for the recovery of its credit, including legal fees. In this case, all sums due at that time by the customer to, also in relation to other supplies, will immediately become payable for the whole, it being to this end that any deferred payment granted by is to be revoked.
Payments must be made in Euros; other currencies may be agreed in writing between the parties.
No product returns will be allowed without the prior written consent of, except as provided in the previous paragraph "Warranty". After obtaining the consent of, to be entitled to a refund, the customer must return the products, according to the following conditions: a) the products must not have been used and must be returned in the same conditions in which the customer has received; b) the return must take place within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of the purchase invoice; c)unless otherwise agreed, the products are returned to at the expense and risk of the customer. The shipment must take place with adequate packaging and at the central warehouse of in Italy; d) after verification of the goods received, a refund of the amount paid by the customer, including shipping costs, will be issued within 3 days with the same payment method used for the purchase; e) if the conditions of sale do not contain specific instructions (and these have not been subsequently indicated by, any parts added to the product by the customer must be removed before returning to; otherwise, is authorized to remove and / or eliminate all additional parts.
Orders placed with cash payment, within the limits allowed by current laws, or by credit card that cannot be completely fulfilled based on warehouse stocks, will be partially canceled and the relative sums refunded. reserves the right not to entertain commercial relations with any person. Furthermore, reserves the right not to accept or cancel any order, regardless of whether the payment has been received or not, by notifying the customer by fax, telephone or e-mail within 48 (forty-eight) hours. (Excluding weekends and public holidays) from receipt of the order. If does not accept or cancel an order for which payment has already been made, will promptly refund the full amount received, according to the methods that will be indicated to for this purpose by the customer. However, it is understood that the refund of the price represents the only charge borne by for non-acceptance or for the cancellation of the order, being excluded in this regard any form of responsibility borne by The customer may cancel or revoke purchase orders only within the limits permitted by law, remaining, in any case, understood that, except for mandatory provisions of the law, orders relating to the purchase of products with customizations cannot be revoked / canceled or canceled. (Prints, serigraphs and engravings) that make the product not salable to other customers.
In the event that the execution of orders by is hindered or prevented by major force or unforeseeable circumstances, or by the impossibility of procuring the services, materials or items necessary for the fulfillment of the order, if not at increased prices, may delay the fulfillment of the order and, in this case, communicate the delay to the customer; the latter, within 3 (three) days of receiving the communication from, will have the right to cancel the order in whole or in part. In none of the cases, can be held responsible for the delay, cancellation or impossibility of making the delivery. warns the customer that the products presented on the site ( may be the subject of a patent, trademark, copyright or other industrial or intellectual property rights owned by IDColor. it or third parties. In case of purchase of customized products with the reproduction of registered trademarks, shapes or slogans, the customer must produce a regular authorization from the owner. processes the personal data of its customers in accordance with the provisions of the law, in the manner and for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy published at the following Internet address: - section "Privacy Policy " For any information in this regard, a dedicated mailbox is available, also indicated in the" Privacy Policy "section.
The Court of Prato will be exclusively competent for any dispute deriving from these general conditions of sale and the related product supply contracts. If the customer qualifies as a consumer, any disputes arising from these general conditions will be referred to the jurisdiction of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer. These general conditions of sale are governed by Italian law.