The customization of the cards with takes place in the steps:
Configuration options are set directly on the product page before it is added to the cart. All settings are made in the righta column of the desired customizable product page, in detail:
Once the order has been placed, you can send the graphic files via the Contatti or via email to by reference to the order number. The submitted files must meet the following criteria:
Best possible print quality:vector format Adobe Illustrator .AI, .PDF o .EPS. and in case of bitmap content a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Attenzione! Attention! To avoid problems with missing or copyrighted fonts, make sure you have always converted all texts to curves and paths.
Although not the best solution, cards can also be produced from bitmap photo formats . TIF, . PSD and JPG. The minimum resolution required is 300 dpi. With lower resolutions, high quality printing cannot be guaranteed.
All prints are made with offset technology. Therefore documents must be sent in CMYK format (cyan, magenta, yellow, black). In the case of printing solid colours, indicate the number in the PANTONE coated bundle, which will be converted by us to the closest CMYK value. Warning! To avoid unwanted results, do not enter custom color profiles.
The template file, downloadable at the bottom of this guide page, contains everything you need for the graphic composition of the front and back of the card, with the measurements already preset.
The 3 lines that make up the template are:
Margin of abundance:: it indicates a wider area than the cut area and is the limit to which the print will extend before the cut. Custom graphics should reach this margin to avoid any white edges after cutting.
Cutting line:: is the margin on which the final cut of the card will be applied. This line shows the final ISO standard dimensions of the card 85.60 x 53.98 mm
Safety distance:: use this margin to include all the texts and logos of the card. The cut or the edge of the card are not graphic but mechanical elements with inevitable tolerance and register problems. At the production stage, elements that are close to the cutting line, beyond the safety distance may be cut in an undesirable way.
If customization requires numbering or progressive barcodes, just indicate the initial number and the format in the notes at the end of the order. In case of name lists and other variable data can be attached via excel file. If reading or engraving of UID codes is required, the required format must be indicated. For programming, together with fixed or variable data, you must specify the memory area, the write format and any passwords.
Upon receipt of the graphic material for the customization, the staff will verify all the details for the production and will send the customer by email a draft representative customized product. The customer can assess whether all the required features are present and give confirmation by responding to the email to put into production.